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RECOVERED: (6/22/06) On the run

(Recovered from my back-up copies of the server that Hanso downed. Comments could not be recovered.)

Exposing Hanso will be the new name for this site, and I am on a new mission: to Expose the Hanso Foundation.

I am now 100% sure that they are linked to everything: my friend's death, the organ theft chain, and now...I'm pretty sure they are after me.
You might have read it on my edit last post, which was a month ago. I'm sorry for the corny rot13 encryption, but that's the best I could use at the connection I was in.

Here's the story: I walk into the hallway to my apartment, and I see men in suits there knocking on the door. I hightail it out of their as fast as possible. I call my house phone and check my answering machine. There's a message on it from the Hanso Foundation requestiong a "personal conference".
So I decided that I would wait it out for a few days. Maybe they're not serious. Maybe they just want to have a tea party. I go over to a friend's and stay there for the night. I come back to my house.

The door had been broken open, and I walked in to find a complete mess. I'm already scared. But when I came out of my apartment building, two men in suits pulled me over and into a car.
They took me by surprise. I don't know how I escaped their grip. Maybe it was a miracle. Maybe it was destiny. But I ran from there as fast I could. I knew that my house was no longer safe.
I was walking to my friend's house (my car was apparently stolen, as I had found out) when he called me on my cell phone. He told me that some people came to his house earlier asking for me. They appeared to be on serious business. Claimed they came from the "Hanso Group".
I thanked him for not ratting me out and stood there, in the middle of my street.

Where had my life gone?

In a couple of days, I everything that I owned in life was taken away from me. I only had my cell phone then...but it was only a matter of time before Hanso shut down my service.
So I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been on the run, jumping from house to house, hotel to hotel, and state to state. I've been to the government, but apparently Hanso has control over them, too.


Maybe not as aggressively as me, who founded this site. But expect to be receiving a letter in the mail soon. Those of you who are just lurking and posting comments of support, you might be safe. But to my friends who are researching and actively exposing Hanso alongside me...I warn you.

Right now I'm posting from an internet terminal inside a motel. It took me forever to find a motel with a secure connection. I'm trying to find one of those laptops with wireless internet, so I can just leech off of other peoples' houses' wireless connections after Wardriving. Maybe one of thise crank-up ones where you power the laptop by cranking up a small generator. I heard they sell for pretty cheap these days.

Expect more regular updates soon as I try to get a steady connection.

I'm homeless and on the run. This "game' has entered a whole new level, I'm afraid, for me.

About Us

Welcome to the newly updaed Exposing Hanso website. We are out to expose the Hanso Foundation - a parter of the Global Welfar Consortium and a leader in technological advancements. However, evidence has shown that the Hanso Foundation is also the leader in a ring of organ thefts, illegal experimentation on humans, legally protecting cancer-causing agents in consumer products, and much more. This site is dedicated to revealing the Hanso Foundation's corruption to the world.

Where do I start?

Start by reading our Introductory Post here. This site has been up and running since November of Last year, but the Hanso Foundation shut down our previous, insecure server. Now it's back up on Blogger. Read up on our mission and our exchanges with Thomas Mittelwerk in that post. If you want to help, read the latest blog post.
Exposing Hanso is not affiliated with ABC or The Lost Experience in any way that is official-ish.